Salary Calculator 2

CCEA Salary Calculator

$DBYears = 16;

//Set array for EdLevel codes in database
$DB_Ed = array();
$DB_Ed[1] = “BA”;
$DB_Ed[2] = “BA_15”;
$DB_Ed[3] = “BA_30”;
$DB_Ed[4] = “MA”;
$DB_Ed[5] = “MA_15”;
$DB_Ed[6] = “MA_30”;
$DB_Ed[7] = “MA_45”;
$DB_Ed[8] = “MA_60”;
$DB_Ed[9] = “MA_75”;

//Set array for Displayed Ed Levels
$DisplayEd = array();
$DisplayEd[1] = “Bachelor’s”;
$DisplayEd[2] = “Bachelor’s + 15”;
$DisplayEd[3] = “Bachelor’s + 30”;
$DisplayEd[4] = “Master’s”;
$DisplayEd[5] = “Master’s + 15”;
$DisplayEd[6] = “Master’s + 30”;
$DisplayEd[7] = “Master’s + 45”;
$DisplayEd[8] = “Master’s + 60”;
$DisplayEd[9] = “Master’s + 75”;

//Set array for displayed job titles
$DisplayTitle[‘teacher’] = ‘Teacher’;
$DisplayTitle[‘mental_health’] = ‘Mental Health Employee’;
$DisplayTitle[‘nurse’] = ‘Nurse’;

//Show number of years unless “More than 15” was selected
$DisplayYears = “Step ” . $Years;
if($Years >= 16){
$DisplayYears = “the maximum level”;

//Clear message variables
$ErrorMessage = “”;
$Message = “”;

if($StatusCheck == 1){

//Insert error message if they didn’t select a job title
if($Title == “Occup_Error_Message”){

$ErrorMessage = “

ERROR: Please
make sure you make a selection in EACH menu below.



//If job title selected, then test for Ed error message

//Insert error message if they didn’t select Years
if($Years == “Years_Error_Message”){

$ErrorMessage = “

ERROR: Please
make sure you make a selection in EACH menu below.



//If years selected, then test for Ed error message

if($EdLevel == “Ed_Error_Message”){

$ErrorMessage = “

ERROR: Please
make sure you make a selection in EACH menu below.


//If a title, years, and ed level were selected, query database and pull info

try {
//Connect to the database using PDO API
$dbh = new PDO(“mysql:host=$hostname;dbname=$dbname”, $username, $password);

/*** set the error reporting attribute ***/

//prepare the SQL statement
$stmt = $dbh->prepare(“SELECT * from LicensedSalary WHERE Years = :Years LIMIT 1”);

//Bind parameter to Years
$stmt->bindParam(‘:Years’, $DBYears, PDO::PARAM_INT);

//execute the statement

while($row = $stmt->fetch()){
$ScheduleSalary = $row[$DB_Ed[$EdLevel]];

/*** close the database connection ***/
$dbh = null;

$Salary = round($ScheduleSalary * $FTE);

if($Title != “nurse”){
$Salary = round(1.005 * $Salary);

$Monthly = $Salary / 12;
$Monthly = round($Monthly);

catch(PDOException $e)
echo $e->getMessage();

//Set up ExtraPay tracker to add a note if they are eligible for any additional pay
$ExtraPay = 0;

//If Teacher or Mental Health maxed out, apply MaxSal payment to main payment
if((($Title == “teacher”) or ($Title == “mental_health”)) and (($Years – $EdLevel > 9) or $Years >= 16)){

include ‘maxsal.php’;

//If there is no previous note, add one on top indicating eligibility for extra payments
if($ExtraPay == 0){


//Calculate amount to be added to regular pay as part of MaxSal provision
$MaxSalAddOn = $MaxSalPercent * $ScheduleSalary * $FTE;

//Adjust regular pay with extra MaxSal
$Salary = round($Salary + $MaxSalAddOn);
$Monthly = round($Salary / 12);


$ExtraPayNote = “

In addition to your regular salary, you are eligible for the
additional payments indicated below.


$Message = “

For a ” .
$DisplayTitle[$Title] . ”
at ” . $DisplayYears . ” with ” . $DisplayEd[$EdLevel] . “, “;

if($ExtraPay == 1){
$Message = $Message . “the regular salary (which includes an extra amount as part of the Maximum Salary
Increase provision) should come to about “;
$Message = $Message . “the base salary (rounded to the nearest dollar)
should come to about “;

$Message = $Message . “$” . $Salary . “, with a monthly
pay of about $” . $Monthly . “.


//If Teacher or Mental Health maxed out, apply MaxSal payment to main payment
if((($Title == “teacher”) or ($Title == “mental_health”)) and (($Years – $EdLevel > 9) or $Years >= 16)){

$Message = $Message . ” ” . $ExtraPayNote;

//Add message about the basic MaxSal payment of $1079/year
$Message = $Message . “

You should receive a Maximum Salary Increase
payment totaling $1079 for the year (about $89.92/month).”;

//Add on additional MaxSal for 20th step and above
if($Years >= 20){
$Message = $Message . ” Also, because you are on at least the 20th step, you should also expect to
receive $2088 ($174/month) as part of the Maximum Salary Increase provisions, though the district
labels this as Supplemental Benefit Pay on your paycheck.”;

$Message = $Message . “



//If Teacher or Mental Health eligible for longevity, explain
if((($Title == “teacher”) or ($Title == “mental_health”)) and ($Years >= 19 and $FTE >= 1)){

//If there is no previous note, add one on top indicating eligibility for extra payments
if($ExtraPay == 0){

$Message = $Message . ” ” . $ExtraPayNote;


$Message = $Message . “

If you have worked full-time for the district continuously for 18 or more consecutive years,
you are eligible for longevity payments. The payments are
$1000/year ($83.33/month) through Year 22,
$2000/year ($166.67/month) for Years 23-26,
$3000/year ($250/month) for Years 27-28,
$4000/year ($333.33/month) for Year 29,
and $5000/year ($416.67/month) for Year 30.



//If Teacher or Mental Health with more than 3 years, display pay for NBCT (5% of gross regular pay)
if((($Title == “teacher”) or ($Title == “mental_health”)) and $Years >= 3){

//If there is no previous note, add one on top indicating eligibility for extra payments
if($ExtraPay == 0){

$Message = $Message . ” ” . $ExtraPayNote;


$NB_Extra = round($Salary * .05 * $FTE);
$Monthly = round($NB_Extra/12);

$Message = $Message . “

If you earn certification from the National Board for
Professional Teaching Standards
, you will receive an additional $” . $NB_Extra . ” each
year (about $” . $Monthly . “/month).



//If Teacher or Mental Health with more than 15 years and at least MA+30, display 105 option (5% of gross regular pay)
if((($Title == “teacher”) or ($Title == “mental_health”)) and $Years >= 15 and $EdLevel >= 6){

//If there is no previous note, add one on top indicating eligibility for extra payments
if($ExtraPay == 0){

$Message = $Message . ” ” . $ExtraPayNote;


$SPGP_Extra = round($Salary * .05 * $FTE);
$Monthly = round($SPGP_Extra/12);

$Message = $Message . “

If you complete the requirements for the Special Professional Growth Plan (105 Plan)
as described in the negotiated agreement, you will receive an additional $” . $SPGP_Extra . ” each
year (about $” . $Monthly . “/month).



//If Teacher or Mental Health with more than 15 years and at least MA+30, display SAIP option
if((($Title == “teacher”) or ($Title == “mental_health”)) and $Years >= 16 and $EdLevel >= 3){

//If there is no previous note, add one on top indicating eligibility for extra payments
if($ExtraPay == 0){

$Message = $Message . ” ” . $ExtraPayNote;


include ‘saip.php’;

$SAIP_Extra = $SAIP[$DB_Ed[$EdLevel]];
$Monthly = round($SAIP_Extra/12);

$Message = $Message . “

If you participate in the Student Achievement Incentive Plan (SAIP)
as described in the negotiated agreement, you will receive additional $” . $SAIP_Extra . ” each



$Message = $Message . “

(Your paycheck might also include responsibility factors or other additional payments.)




2018-19 Salary Calculator

Courtesy of the Cherry Creek Education Assocation

get an estimate of your salary Aug. 2018-July 2019, enter the information below and click the "Calculate My Pay" button.

note that the "Teacher" job title includes – but is not limited to – teachers, librarians, counselors,
deans, and specialists. The "Mental Health" listing includes psychologists and social workers, and
the "Nurse" listing includes nurses.

I am a

who works a


I am on the

step on the salary schedule with an educational training level of

This display was created by volunteers as a service for all certified employees of Cherry Creek Public Schools. It is one of many ways in which your colleagues in the Cherry Creek Education Association work on your behalf and in support of our students and profession. If you are not a member, please consider joining us.